A Paradigm Shift


Howrey Angus Genetics are ideally suited to converting solar energy (Forages) into dollars (lbs of beef/acre).

Cattle have vast complexities & wide-ranging genetic expressions in differing environments. Pursuing profitable, ranch-adapted cattle requires the same maternal performance traits, no matter where you are. Given the complexities of genetics, we rely on animals that have performed reliably in the environment we ask them to, to show us who to select as breeding stock. This method of selection has taught us a lot over the years.

Our cattle are not perfect. But they are bred for a specific purpose. Time and experience has shown performance and carcass EPD’s cannot adequately guide the selection of a functional cowherd in real-world conditions, and are, in fact, antagonistic traits to fertility, longevity and functionality in the cow herd. Many breeding programs claim their bulls can do all things: maximizing growth and offering maternal greatness in one package.

There is no moderate-framed cowherd that comes from using bulls bred for maximizing growth. You can’t get a 1250lb cow if the bred heifer weighs 1250lbs. Same goes for the bulls you use: 2yr old bulls should not weigh 1800-2000 lbs if you expect their daughters to be moderate.
Form Follows Function!

Chasing the biggest weaning weights and feeding big cows means big maintenance (feed), labour and input costs every year. Optimal weaning weights would ideally be achieved from using the benefits of hybrid vigour: Terminal Sires being mated to moderate, maternal cows. Keeping replacement heifers out of Terminal (growth) bulls that have never been selected for cowherd FERTILITY will steal your chance at optimizing profit—it results in reduced fertility and cow- herd frame-size creep that costs you more to feed every year! Terminal-Maternal Crossbreeding systems are the most efficient way to produce beef cattle. Profitability falls by the way-side when chasing maximum production levels.

We are passionate about the benefits that a range adapted cow can have on the landscape and the potential for profitability she offers producers. She’s not flashy, or exciting. She raises an average quality calf every year for a long time, and hopefully without you noticing.

Cattle absolutely can improve the land they live on. Having cattle that are adapted to your environment allows ranch families to work with God’s creation in a way that minimizes outside inputs. Cattle that can graze year-round are a tool for improving their ecosystem—converting low-quality, high-fibre feed from land unsuitable for crop production into high-protein, nutrient dense beef is one of the best equations in modern agriculture, we just need to keep it simple to keep ranchers profitable.

Graze Year-Round

as long as possible

Build Soil

the unseen bank account

Care for the Grass

manage for recovery

Care for Your People

“Reproduction is the most important factor affecting profitability - Reproduction is 5x more important than growth rate, and 10x more important than carcass quality when it comes to your profit! Every missed breeding cycle represents a 42lb loss in weaning weight.”

Beef Cattle Research Council

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