Shoshone "X" Strain

The History Of

Shoshone 'X' Strain

Of the Angus Breed

“Purpose determines type, the difficulty most of us have is in ascertaining the production levels of the functional type. Optimum levels can be determined by the priorities of the selection criteria.”

Larry Leonhardt

We were fortunate to come across this booklet written by Shoshone Angus breeder Larry Leonhardt in 2007. Titled “The History of the Shoshone “X” Strain of the Angus Breed”, Larry tells the story of how “the consequences from the historical tradition of selection to maximize change were the motivating forces that inspired the origin of the “Shoshone ‘X’ strain”.” Reading this historical booklet brought lots of “aha moments” and understanding, as the sentiments we have long held about the functional and structural deficiencies of the Angus breed were written clearly before our eyes.

Towards the end of the “X-Strain” booklet, some of Monte Howrey’s adventures with Larry are remembered: the cow Larry mentions that was born in 1988 who produced until she was 18 is the Frances 6357 cow. Her daughter MH Frances 2126 is pictured on the top right of page 20 of the booklet where Monte’s story is being told. 

The bull beside her is a 6357 son: MH Dakota 4010, an OCC Emblazon son of the 6357 cow, whose full sisters MH Frances 426 & 427 were excellent, long-lived cows who both raised calves past 14yrs of age.
The closely-bred 10-year old cow mentioned in the “X Strain” booklet is the “Shoshone Farnces 6374” cow (her name was likely misspelled via keying error somewhere along the line), a well-appreciated matron who went on to produce the Shoshone Solomon 316 bull that we are still using via AI today, among other useful cattle.
Take a read through this booklet to get some paradigm challenging ideas about what breeding cattle should look like.

There is an obvious level of irony of us pointing out individuals pictured in Larry’s booklet, after he says: “I did not identify the animals above by name and pedigree simply because I am trying to persuade the industry to get over the traditional habit of worshiping or scrutinizing the value of any mortal individual within a pedigree.  They come and go, what is more important is that it demonstrates how the common values that occur among different individuals from constant selection for a type really does work… That the preferred characteristics for purpose is continued on beyond any single individual’s lifespan, including our own…” 

We are, however, proud to have the Shoshone Strain as part of the genetic composition of the Howrey Angus herd, and feel there is value to identifying exceptional individuals and cow families that consistently raise calves into their teens, as the Shoshone Frances cow family has proven to do for  over a 35 year period, a great example of what Larry is talking about in that quote.  We believe the prepotency and maternal excellence in this cow family spans a broad spectrum of traits and can positively influence the commercial cowherds of our customers, and will contribute to more efficient and profitable beef production in general.

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