To build on a foundation of longevity, we use Herd Sires that have dams and grandams that have often produced calves well into their teens. The 4 main cow families all stem from cows that raised calves at least until they were 14yrs old, with the longest living being the Shoshone Frances 6357 cow, who died at 18yrs of age.
Our bulls are bred with generations of
Howrey Angus bulls will sire calves that are born easily and nurse quickly. They will establish an efficient, maternal “Cowherd Factory” from which you can then mate to Terminal sires to add hybrid vigour performance and the “flavour of the day” in hide colour. Doing this will create a functional, long-living cowherd able to wean calves with maximum efficiency in your commercial ranch environment.
Minimizing the time, money, and iron you put between a cow and its feed results in profitable businesses: healthier, happier land & people for generations. Use Howrey Angus genetics as a tool to help you accomplish this.
The genetic consistency of the Howrey herd is hard to find anywhere else. 4 foundation cows were identified early on as profitable, low input cows that raised calves into their teens. From there, along with a few other cow families, those foundation cows were stacked in the pedigrees by using sons and retaining daughters to provide the genetic consistency that is required to improve functionality traits that affect fertility and longevity.
The Howrey Angus cows calve in May alongside a commercial cowherd totalling over 400 head on a quarter section of pasture, and are rotated to new pastures during calving. They are exposed to bulls for 50 days and are culled if they’re found open in the fall.
Fertility & Longevity are bred into this cowherd by identifying cattle that raise calves into their teens with minimal issues on a forage diet. These cows have never been babied or supplemented. They are required to graze through the snow in December, and their calves are weaned in January.
The Howrey Angus herd was built over 25+ years with an unwavering focus on creating profitable, low input Angus cattle, cows that excel in maternal performance traits and have consistently been required to work for a living. They are required to quietly do their job—they need to calve on grass and rebreed on time or else they are shipped. There are far too many over-fed and overpromoted cattle that are only functional in a feedlot or show ring. There is no better way of genetically improving a profitable cow herd than requiring them to work with nature. The proof is in cows that work until their teens in low input management systems. Optimization to your environment is a key to profitability.
Monte Howrey focused his efforts solely on the art of breeding low-input cows that were consistently good. Pandering to the fads of performance or showmanship never crossed Monte’s radar. While other outfits try to make everyone happy by having something for everyone, the Howrey Angus herd has never changed course or faltered—it has remained focused on maternal excellence and cattle that work for a living without pampering: in short, the profitable, low-input kind.
Our breeding philosophies have been shaped by Monte and other legendary Angus breeders of grass-type cattle, and we are committed to stay true to the direction Monte has focused on. Our Edie Creek Angus cowherd in Canada has been shaped by Howrey Angus genetics and shares the same goals and selection criteria. These cattle work well in any environment (from Manitoba & northern Alberta in Canada, from Montana shortgrass country down to Fescue country in S.E. USA), so we see no reason to change their function or phenotype.
We owe Monte a debt of gratitude for offering us this opportunity and for his time and patience in mentoring us over the years, which has helped shape our breeding program. We are very excited that he has agreed to continue to work with us and give us guidance going forward.
Fleshing Ability
Correct feet
Udder Quality
We would be happy to connect through phone or email if you’d like more information on anything about Howrey Angus or Edie Creek Angus. Get in touch or join our mailing list!