MH Tank 54

MH Tyson 769

MH Turbo 780

MH Titan 752

MH Poncho 4194

MH Titus 703

Shoshone Solomon 316


Edie Creek Great One 77F

MH Admiral 34


OCC Good Morning 696G

MH Xman 714

MH Sterling 007

MH Hulett 61

MH Tank 54

DOB: 03/22/2005 | TATTOO: 54 | REG AAA+15358614

Dam: MH Mina 836

Sire: Lodge of Wye

  • Adds rib capacity and sires cows with great udders.
  • Sire, Lodge of Wye, was born in 1963 and is regarded as a structurally sound bull who sired excellent sons and daughters, appreciated in maternal and forage-based program.
  • His dam is the great MH Mina 836 cow. Expect better than average fleshing ability.
  • Progeny have shiny hair coats, demonstrating good hormonal balance.
  • We had his full brother MH Tubby 56 breeding in our Edie Creek Angus cow herd in Canada from when he was aged 8-11. Tubby daughters are some of our favorite cows. MH Tank 54 had a little more growth and performance than Tubby did, according to Monte.
  • Daughters of MH Tank 54 are super broody, deep bodied and fertile, with the classic Bonsma-wedge shape.

MH Tyson 769

DOB: 04/19/2007 | TATTOO: 769 | REG AAA+15796819

Sire: DDA Emblazon 27C

Daughter: MH Frances 18

dam: mh mina 836

  • Pictured is DDA Emblazon 27C, the sire of MH Tyson 769
  • Maternal brother to MH Tank 54.
  • In his pedigree you will find all 4 foundation cow families wrapped up: Melisa 545, Dixie Erica 1019, Frances 6357 and the Mina 836 cow. His pedigree is fully backed by excellent cows that raised calves into their teens.
  • MH Tyson 769 moderates frame size and increases fleshing ability.
  • He is an udder fixer: good teat size, keeps the udders level & square.
  • Tyson daughters have been long lived and very feminine.
  • Bred cows until he was 8 or 9yrs old.
  • Pictured is MH Frances 18, an excellent Tyson daughter in our Edie Creek Angus herd that is raising a calf as a 12yr old, she has never missed.

MH Turbo 780

DOB: 04/20/2007 | TATTOO: 780 | REG AAA+16057505

Sire: OCC Homer 650H

Dam: MH Dixie Erica 113

  • Pictured is OCC Homer 650H, the sire of MH Turbo 780
  • Great Calving ease bull
  • Son of the foundation MH Dixie Erica 113 cow.
  • Athletic breeder who covered 60-70 cows per year.
  • He bred cows until he was 10 or 11yrs old.
  • Daughters are really good footed with a dark, shiny hoof.
  • Foot and udder improver


DOB: 04/18/2007 | TATTOO: 752 | REG AAA+15796813

Dam: MH Melisa 357

son: edie creek titan 31E

  • MH Titan 752 was bred to create efficient, long-lived, intelligent females. He combines the two great cow makers OCC Great Plains 943G and OCC Homer 650H. His dam MH Melisa 357  is a pathfinder and one of Monte Howrey’s favorite cows, she stems from the same Melisa cow family that DDA Emblazon 27C comes from: DDA Melisa 545 is the grand-dam of 27C, and was purchased by Monte as a young cow. Here is what Monte Howrey said about MH Titan 752 as an 8-year-old: “Titan, the older he gets, the more I appreciate him. Just no holes in him: feet are great, Athletic, incredible disposition, looks like he could breed cows for another 4 or 5yrs. Fertile and highly intelligent…he’s probably the most USEFUL bull I have ever bred.”
  • This is a bull that we bought and brought up to our Edie Creek Angus herd in Canada.
  • We decided we needed to buy MH Titan 752 after seeing an athletic 5-year-old son working in a low input commercial cow herd in Saskatchewan and daughters at Howrey Angus that were producing terrific calves while maintaining great fertility, leg structure and udder quality.
  • MH Titan 752 was an extremely aggressive breeder: as an 8yr old bull at Edie Creek in 2015, he was a part of a multi sire group that bred 125 cows. Titan was constantly on the hunt and never took a day off.
  • MH Titan 752 had a very quiet disposition and always enjoyed a good back scratch.
  • Titan has the best set of feet under him that we have seen. We expect him to help us excel at longevity and functionality traits.
  • In the Spring of 2015, just after his arrival at Edie Creek Angus, he collected 300 straws of semen in one day, and had a 94% semen test score.
  • Titan bred 40+ cows as an 11-year old bull, but had smaller breeding groups at age 12 & 13.
  • He retired at the age of 13, when it looked like he wasn’t converting calories efficiently enough to go through another Canadian winter.


DOB: 03/21/2004 | TATTOO: 4194 | REG AAA+15997860

Sister: MH Frances 2126

Dam: Shoshone Frances 6357

  • Direct son of Shoshone Frances 6357, whose long productive career ended when she was 18. 6357 was one of the best-uddered cows Monte has ever had.
  • Sired by OCC Anchor 771A, referenced above in the “Foundation Sires” section.
  • Poncho 4194 is a full brother to Montes favorite Shoshone Frances 6357 daughter: MH Frances 2126.
  • Poncho can fix functionality traits and add longevity.
  • Daughters are long lived, productive and fertile.


DOB: 04/07/2007 | TATTOO: 703 | REG AAA +15796815

Sire: OCC Great Plains

DAM: MH Frances 2126

  • The dam of MH Titus 703 is the excellent MH Frances 2126 cow who raised calves into her late teens. You will also find her in the pedigree of the great MH Frances 720 cow.
  • Pictured is the sire of Titus – OCC Great Plains 943G (see “Foundation Genetics” page)
  • Titus was not a stand out bull or flashy, and neither are his offspring. He does a good job of covering all the bases, including functionality and good steady, average production.
  • Feet and udders on Titus daughters were good, as his parentage would indicate.


DOB: 03/13/2013 | TATTOO: 316 | REG AAA+18351141

  • Solomon 316 is an own son of the Shoshone Frances 6374 cow that Larry was very fond of.
  • The dam of Solomon’s sire, Shoshone Frank 6343 had an excellent udder.-Solomon 316 is a definite udder improver: tight suspensory ligament structure with impeccable teat size. The two daughters we have at Edie Creek Angus are intelligent and beautiful-uddered cows.
  • Plenty of growth, slightly more frame size than other Howrey Angus sires.
  • Athletic build, sons will cover ground and cows.

We expect this bull to have a large impact in our future via AI.

Edie Creek Great One 77F​

DOB: 02/05/2018 | TATTOO: ECA 77F | REG CAA 2064633

  • We brought Edie Creek Great One 77F down to breed cows in 2022.
  • 77F was a prolific breeder having a 97% breed up in our worst drought on 50 2-4yr old cows.
  • 77F was structurally sound, thrived in our environment and has the maternal lineage to accomplish our breeding goals.
  • He has great slope from hooks to pins, excellent neck extension and hard, tidy feet. He also adds length of body to his calves.
  • We bought his dam from Monte in 2016. She was very feminine and a favourite before she overcentered the winter after raising 77F.
  • 77F is an extreme udder improver.  His daughters have some of the best udders we’ve seen.

MH Admiral 34

DOB: 03/06/2013 | TATTOO: 34 | REG AAA +18421810


  • Own son of the great MH Frances 720 cow who was a prolific producer.
  • MH Frances 720 is still alive at age 16. We have a few embryos in the tank from her.
  • MH Admiral 34 was a very athletic breeder who covered 70 cows/yea

OCC GOod morning 696g

DOB: 04/04/2019 | TATTOO: 696G | REG AAA +20007945

Sire: OCC Blueprint 632B

  • Brought in for some added calving ease and fleshing ability.
  • Sire OCC Blueprint had our favorite sire group in the 2021 Ohlde Cattle Co sale.
  • OCC Good Morning was one of the high selling bulls at O.C.C in 2021.
  • We also bought a paternal brother from Ohlde’s for our Edie Creek Angus Herd in Canada, and are very excited with the calves he is siring.
  • His dam is a productive cow, raising another high selling bull at the 2022 OCC bull sale

MH Xman 714

DOB: 05/04/2017 | TATTOO: 714 | REG AAA +20696298

Maternal Grand Dam: MH Melisa 357

Sire: Sinclair Executive 9XV2

  • Xman is an athletic bull, built to cover lots of ground.
  • Currently being used to breed heifers.
  • Raths have commented that he is a high intelligence bull, easy to work with.
  • He comes out of the same cow family as MH Titan 752.
  • His dam currently resides up in Canada in our Edie Creek Angus cow herd

MH Sterling 007

DOB: 04/25/2020 | TATTOO: 007 | REG AAA +20696999

Paternal Dam: MH Whitney 373

Dam: MH Melisa 726

  • Pictured is his Paternal dam the MH Whitney 373 cow that now resides with Brooke and Ann Miller, Washington VA.
  • MH Sterling 007 represents the Howrey Angus herd qualities and is being used to sustain the type.
  • His dam MH Melisa 726 is an excellent cow that has a perfect udder and is very easy fleshing.
  • Sterling has a maternal sister that raised a stud bull calf in 2022.
  • This bull is not flashy in his type, but deep in quality.

MH Hulett 61​

DOB: 02/15/2016 | TATTOO: 61 | REG AAA +1888532099

SIRE: Cole Creek Full Bore 730

Dam: MH Dixie Erica 113

  • Pictured is his sire Cole Creek Full Bore 730 and his foundation dam MH Dixie Erica 113.
  • Breeding cows in 2023 as a 7yr old bull.
  • Daughters are feminine and are the low input type.
  • Hulett 61 was the last calf that the 113 cow raised at age 15.
  • His sire was a bull that added some performance and milk to a pedigree.

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